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Anthony Wayne

Local Schools



This webpage was created to inform our stakeholders about the potential impact on their school property taxes as a result of the Lucas County Auditor's 2024 Reappraisal. Property values are expected to increase by an average of 29.5% across the county. Official values will not be available until December, according to Auditor Katie Moline. Please check back for more information as it becomes available.

The AWLS Board and District Administration continue to monitor the financial health of the District and will communicate any further updates to stakeholders as they become available. If you would like to receive informational updates from AWLS, please click here to register your email.

Letter to Stakeholders

October 3, 2024

Dear Anthony Wayne Local Schools Stakeholders,
We want to provide you with some important information regarding the potential impact of the Lucas County Auditor’s latest property revaluation. We are tracking the impact of the projected increase in property values in the District and want to share with you what we are seeing at this time.
Important Note: This information is based on the projected average Lucas County increase in property value of 29.5%. The County Auditor cannot release official numbers for the District until the property value reviews are complete and the state certifies the property value increases in December. However, we feel it is in the best interest of our District residents to know the potential impacts of this increase.
At this time, we believe the projected increase in property values will result in the District’s effective millage rate falling below the 20-mill minimum required by the state’s constitution. This is important because it means that District residents will see a property tax increase in order to bring the District’s effective millage back up to the 20-mill rate.
Please see below for more information about school funding and the 20-mill floor.

Estimated Impact Due to Property Value Increases
Current District Total Taxable Value$1,075,663,810
Current District Effective Rate21.992516 mills

The information below is a projection based on the average countywide property value increase of 29.5% and is for illustrative purposes only. We will not have official certified values until late this year.
Projected New Total Taxable Value
Projected New Effective Rate
20-mill Floor
Projected Millage Difference~3.017362 mills

Based on the projection provided above, taxpayers will be required to make up the ~3.017 mills to bring the District back up to the 20-mill floor.

What About the Levy?
Unfortunately, AW residents will see property tax increases with or without the passage of the Operational Levy that is on the November 5 ballot. The state’s constitution requires a minimum of 20-mills be collected to fund school districts, and the new property values are projected to drop the District below this minimum. 
This is definitely not what we would have hoped for our District stakeholders. The Board placed the levy on the ballot to give residents the opportunity to choose whether or not more tax dollars should come to the District. Frustratingly, in falling below the 20-mill floor, that choice is no longer available. 

It is important to note that the levy is still important and your vote still makes an impact. 
Please keep reading for two different scenarios.
The District is asking for a 5-year, 2.42 mill Operational Levy to generate $3.3 million each year to pay for day-to-day expenses. 
  • The District’s effective millage rate will increase to an estimated ~19.402638 mills.
  • This voted millage will be spread across Class 1* and Class 2** property owners.
     - PLUS -
  • The remaining ~0.597362 mills required by the state will be assessed on Class 1 properties only. This portion is permanent.
  • The District’s effective millage rate will drop to an estimated 16.982638 mills
  • The state will assess the remaining estimated ~3.017362 mills required to get back to the 20-mill minimum on Class 1 property owners only.
  • This will be a permanent increase.
* Class 1 properties are residential and agricultural properties.
** Class 2 properties are commercial, industrial and utility properties.

  • The projected property value increases across the county are impacting the District’s taxable value and causing the millage rate to fall below the state-required 20-mill minimum.
  • The difference between the new millage rate for the District and the 20-mill floor will be assessed on District property owners regardless of the passage of the levy.
  • If the levy passes, the majority of the additional tax burden will be shared between Class 1 (residential/agricultural) and Class 2 (commercial/industrial/utility) property owners. The remaining shortage will be assessed on Class 1 properties only.
  • If the levy fails, the new taxes will affect Class 1 properties only.  

In Closing
We acknowledge this information is difficult news to receive. Since the property value updates were mailed to residents, the District has been working hard to get more information from the Lucas County Auditor’s Office. While we still do not have official numbers from the Auditor, we wanted you to be as informed as possible about the potential impact of the property value increases. 

More Information
We know that you will likely have questions. The District will be reviewing this information in more detail at the next regular Board meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 7. This meeting will be held at Fallen Timbers Middle School and will be live streamed for those who cannot attend in person.
We will also provide more information on the District website as soon as possible. Please visit
Please know that we are monitoring this situation closely and continually seeking more information from the Lucas County Auditor and other agencies about how this will affect the District’s financial situation.
You can call 419-877-5377 or email [email protected] with any questions.
Kerri Johnson, Treasurer
Kevin Herman, Interim Superintendent
Anthony Wayne Local Schools

How Schools are Funded

 Property taxes are the primary method communities use to raise additional revenues in Ohio. Real Property Taxes are  levied on land and buildings located within AWLS. The private individuals, businesses and public utilities that own land and buildings within the District pay this tax.

 Local Property tax rates are always computed in mills. One mill costs the property owner $1.00 for every $1,000 of assessed valuation each year. In Ohio, millage is referred to as “inside” millage and “outside” millage. 
  • Inside Millage: Provided by the Constitution of the State of Ohio and is levied without a vote of the people. The inside millage rate is limited to 10 mills in each political subdivision. Public schools, cities, counties and other local governments are allocated a portion of the ten inside mills. Anthony Wayne Local Schools receives 4.3 mills, with 2.1 going toward general operating expenses and 2.2 mills allocated toward permanent/capital improvement projects.
  • Outside millage: This is a millage voted upon by District residents. The minimum amount allowed by the law is 20 mills. This is referred to as the “20-mill floor.” Anthony Wayne Local Schools is currently operating at 21.992516 mills. AWLS has not had a new operating levy since 2013.

 Also known as House Bill 920, the Tax Reduction Factor went into effect in 1976. It effectively freezes all voted (outside) millage at the dollar amount collected the first year it went into effect. As property values rise through reappraisals, the outside millage, or “effective” millage is reduced. Inside mills are not affected by the House Bill 920, so only a very small amount of additional revenue is gained as property values increase.
Property values are projected to increase approximately 29.5% as a part of the 2024 Lucas County Auditor’s reappraisal process. This is dropping the District’s effective millage rate below the 20-mill floor.

The State of Ohio provides funding to school districts using a “foundation formula.” This method takes into account the ability of school districts to raise taxes locally as well as a state-determined minimum amount necessary per student to provide an adequate education. The formula is designed to provide a higher level of assistance to school districts with low property wealth relative to districts with higher property wealth. Anthony Wayne Local Schools is considered a high-wealth district by the state of Ohio, and therefore receives minimal state funding.


Anthony Wayne Local Schools
9565 Bucher Road
Whitehouse, OH 43571


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